美国史蒂夫贝瑞运动服饰有限公司是一家美商独资的跨国型企业,总部设在美国纽约。公司拥有自己的品牌:SteveandBarrys,并在全美经营上百家连锁专卖店及大型商场,在印度、巴基斯坦、中国都设有办事处,公司正着力打造国际知名品牌,不断开拓海外市场。因美国史蒂夫贝瑞运动服饰有限公司日益发展壮大,现我公司驻上海办事处高薪诚聘上海业界有识之士热力加盟,一经录用,将提供极具竞争力的薪酬福利待遇和广阔的发展空间。 欢迎光临公司网站。 职位工作地点在上海。 Steve & Barry's University Sportswear was founded in the USA in 1985 under the flagship brand of 4004 Incorporated. Steve & Barry's has grown extensively over the last few years and now owns and operates several retail stores throughout the USA. Along with specializing in licensed merchandise the company has now ventured into the casual wear segment. In 2001, Steve & Barry's opened its Sourcing Office in Mumbai, India. This year, S&B is expanding its China Sourcing Office in Shanghai. As a part of the China office ramp-up Steve & Barry's requires Vendor Development and Sourcing Merchandiser personnel for the Shanghai office. 有意者请在近两周之内把中英文简历、身份证、学历证书复印件寄至本公司,并在信上注明期望薪资,或Email至本公司,谢绝来访。 公司网站: http://www.steveandbarrys.com |