美刚贸易有限公司是一家跨国集团,其属下的吉尔耐童装有限公司是集专业设计,生产,销售高档系列童装为一体的服装企业.公司拥有完善的管理系统,设置了严格的面料和成品检测系统,慕求设计,选料,剪裁,缝制的整体形象更趋于完美.专业的童装设计师根据世界潮流及流行色彩深入孩子们的心理,设计出休闲,时尚,个性,舒适的具有欧美风格的童装.吉尔耐本着"把握潮流,引导时尚"的研发理念,不断创新,脱颖而出,用精致的工艺,诚实的信誉赢得市场和客户笃信.现因业务扩张 需诚聘以下人才: Mekal Trading Company, international group , is a trading company and producer of high quality children wear.Our company owns advanced and integrated management system. Adhering to the objective "Leading the World trend " our company is delicated to manufacturing of innovative ,fancy,and high quality product. As our business grows up, We are currently looking for excellent candidate to take part in our group. |