大连高士线业有限公司--环球指订客户销售Global Key Account Sales--招聘----服装人才网http://www.51haojob.com
大连高士线业有限公司 环球指订客户销售Global Key Account Sales     招聘人数 『1』 更新时间:2008/7/5 浏览数:2387
环球指订客户销售Global Key Account Sales
招聘种类: 全职 职位种类: 市场营销 - 市场销售总监
最低学历要求: 专科 以上 工作地区: 北京  
工资水平: 面议 更新日期: 2008/7/5
年龄要求: 不限 招聘对象: 不限
性别要求: 不限 工作经验: 2-3年
1) To liaise and communicate GRS US/EU and brand owner / trading companies / retailers in supplier markets to ensure compliance of thread specifications on their trim and to ensure we capture any migration without degrading the product mix
2) To ensure Coats premium threads and colour references are on brand owners / retailers job cards / trim packs and style sheets so that they will be chosen by the customer
3) To obtain contractor lists, style wise sourcing programmes and other information that will assist us in developing a local offer for brand owners / retailers
4) To provide support to brand owners / retailers in areas of colour matching, garment engineering and product development when needed so that we can support and develop the sales argument in favour of the Coats offer
5) To give feedback to brand owners / retailers on Coats service performance, share of total potential and technical support provided so that they will understands the benefits of the Coats offer


  高士集团是具有200年历史的大型英资跨国企业,专门生产高档服装缝纫线,居世界同行首位。全球雇员超过2万人. 高士中国在广州,上海,深圳,青岛,天津和大连设有工厂,同时在全国40多个城市设有销售办事处, 中国雇员超过6000人. 大连高士线业有限公司于2000年在大连金州经济开发区成立,专业为中国北方市场提供高质量的产品和服务。公司北京办事处位于北京华商大厦附近, 自1998年成立以来不断开拓北京及周边市场,已取得相当市场份额. 现因业务发展需要,招聘如下人才;
北京总部  电话:010-84831466  传真:010-84831466  
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